21 May Committee Meeting 13th may
Binswood Allotment Society
Committee meeting key points
Date: 13th May 2020
Present (virtually, via Zoom): Kristen Lawrence, Robin Cathcart, Meg van Rooyen, Martin Hurst (listening only), Mark Fairbairn, Tristan Stephens
Apologies: none
Notes of last meeting
Meg apologised for leaving the draft notes from the last meeting of 4th March 2020 in Robin’s car just before lockdown. These have not been written up as she has been unable to retrieve them.
The new gates
Mark reported that he will be oiling the gates on a regular basis with Robin and Pete.
Plot occupancy is high although not all plots are being cultivated. There are seven people on the waiting list for new plots.
Tristan and Martin have reconciled the membership database with up-to-date email addresses.
One plot was cleared after unsuccessful attempts to contact the former plot-holder for 2020’s rental payment. Subsequently the individual contacted the Society as he was not intending to give up the plot. He has been sent a copy of the bye laws.
There is an asbestos shed to clear when the situation allows.
Plot inspection
We will hold a plot inspection this month. We will warn plot holders about the inspection and ask them to inform us if they are having problems attending due to Covid shielding. We will also ask people to remove unnecessary building materials from plots as this frequently causes the Society time and expense when clearing plots. Mark and Pete have already carried out a socially distant plot inspection.
Action: Tristan to send an email to announce the plot inspection.
Action: Kristen and Robin to carry out an additional inspection next weekend and share the results with Mark and Pete.
Treasurer’s report
Martin reported that Santander have still not processed our bank account application due to Covid. However, we are still being offered money by our existing bank to move accounts, so this is still underway.
Community Hut redevelopment
Tristan shared detailed drawings of the proposed community hut he created to support our planning application. This was very well received. Robin has the folder ready to submit for the planning application. The planning processing time is eight weeks.
ACTION: Robin to send in planning application with £200 cheque for application fee.
ACTION: We need a quote from the builder after this (if currently working).
The Community Hut events
Alison had put together a detailed programme of events at the February meeting. The events have all been suspended due to Covid.
We will not purchase the new foldable tables for the community hut until we can resume events.
The AGM was due to be held on Sunday 29th March but was cancelled due to Covid. Kristen has sent round a report in lieu of the meeting to all members, including a comprehensive review of the year, Martin’s Treasurer’s report, and Tristan’s membership summary notes.
Town council grant
Our quote for fencing the NW corner was approved. Robin contacted the fencing company, but they did not reply.
ACTION: Robin to chase up fencing company.
We have taken delivery of rolls of permeable membrane that we were allocated from last year’s grant.
ACTION: working party to lay this across vacant plots when we can do so safely.