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Binswood Allotment Society.

Minutes of the 93rd Annual General Meetind held on Tuesday 23rd March 2014, 11.00am, Community Hut, Binswood Allotment


  M.Atkins, R. Beal, D.Beckett, D.Bradley, K.Brandon,  W.Britton, L.Burtonshaw, P.Burtonshaw, R.Burtonshaw, M.Carrier,  J.Carrier, A.Cathcart, R.Cathcart, R.Chahal, H.Davy, J.Davy, K.Dehnhn-Shutz, J.Dean, D.Elliot, D.Foster, P.Griffin, C.Griffin, J.Hawkins, M.Hurst, P.Johnson, R.King, K.Lawrence, J.Liddlemore, L.Phillips, B.Sanderson, M. Shepherd, C.Schweighart, T.Stephens, T.Walter, R.Ward, R.Wesson.


1 Welcome

2 Apologies

3 Minutes of 2013 meeting

4 Matters Arising

5 Chairman’s report

6 Treasurer’s report

7 Membership Secretary’s Report

8 Communication with Members

9 Community Garden

10 Recycling bunkers

11 Presentations

12 AOB

13 Close of meeting

1 Welcome

Robin Cathcart welcomed everyone to the community Hut.

2 Apologies

S.Adams, D.Elliot, T.Parsons, M.Van Rooyen, J.Carrier

3 Minutes of 2013 meeting

  1.        Two comments were raised on the previous year’s minutes to do with an incorrect date and aAcceptance of the minutes was proposed by P.Griffin and seconded by P.Burtonshaw.

4 Matters Arising

  1.        J.Dean asked how to get the minutes out.
  2.       Minutes and agenda to be sent out more quickly in future.
  3.        At present, communiques are posted on the website, noticeboard, Facebook and via email.
  4.       Paper copies are to be available
  5.      Financial data to be removed from noticeboard copies.
  6.      In principal the minutes should go out within six weeks of the meeting.

5 Chairman’s report-Robin Cathcart

  1.        A synopsis of the previous growing season- It was cold in March to mid-The growing season was excellent.  With the dry weather in mid-Summer more water was used than in previous years.
  2.       Activities-The clearance of George Crawford’s plots cost £3000, most of which was covered by Town CouncilThis illustrates the hidden site costs.  There is still more clearance to be done.  Five plots have been brought back into use.  Hardstanding for cars has been created. Recycling bunkers have been built.  The path verge along Borrowdale Drive has been cleared following complaints from adjoining houses.  Work has continued on the community hut with the addition of a paved floor.
  3. .       Bids for grants have enabled major projects without drawing on ourThis year £1600 has been granted to cover an extension to the water system with new tanks for 65/2-51/2 and landscaping around the community hut. No objections to these proposals.
  4.       A proposal to grass the community hut area around the hut for a seating area and raised beds for children’s growing competitions. – No objections to these proposals
  5.       Estimate for £300 to repair wind damage to the Borrowdale Drive fence which effectsGrant applications had a 1stof April deadline.  Proposals include Harris fencing steel galvanised mesh which will allow greenery to grow through it. No objections.
  6.        A grant from the Woodland Trust was made for 420 mixed native tree whips was made, these have already been planted and include a hedge for the community hut and the gapping up of hedges to the north-west plots.
  7.        Thanks given by Bonny and Louise to the tree planters and for the watersystem
  8.     The community hut was completed last year and has been a great success in bringing everyone together. Thanks again to Pete, Morris, Dave and Ioan for the continued work including theThere have been themed meetings on the 1st Sunday of each month with tea, cake and chat.  Robin thanked Liz, Bonny, Catherine, Kristen, Karen, and Meg
  9.         The 2014 programme will appear on the website, Facebook and on noticeboards with reminders via email.
  10.        Thanks to the committee and the unofficial committee including Pete, Morris, David and Dave- The allotment wouldn’t be in the current condition but for them.
  11.        Thanks to Estelle Seymour for the seeds ordering, Dave Elliot for the website, Pete Griffin for the ordering and distribution of manure.
  12.         We have had a lot of donations this year- work surfaces- James Sharman, Gas burner- Leamington Round Table, gas barbecue- Tim Walter, floor slabs-Jonathan Hughes, hedge trimmer- Martin Stalker, and to others donating chairs, cups and kettles etc.
  13.     Lastly, Pete Griffin has agreed to transfer back to the committee.

6 Treasurer’s Report Martin Hurst

  1.       The Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s report which was accepted by members.

7 Membership Secretary’s Report- Tristan Stephens

  1.        2013 was a good year with fourteen plots rented out, thanks to Pete Griffin taking over when I was unable to through illness.
  2.       There is an idea to split the remaining plot into starter plots. No objections to this idea.
  3.        If anyone is going to leave the society, please let us know so we can pass on the plot.

8 Communication with Members

  1.        Members are kept informed via email, 87 valid addresses, Facebook page by Catherine and Martin posting about events, website by Dave Elliot rent, byelaws, news section, news letter by Catherine once aNotice boards at the entrances and hut.  Action points from committee meetings are now being posted on website.
  2.       Jim Dean made a request for an interactive yahoo type group.
  3.        Paul Burtonshaw support for the committee decisions
  4.       Email address shouldn’t be published for security.

9 Community Garden and butterfly sanctuary

  1.        Proposals to improve the land at Borrowdale corner and so enhance the widerThe suggestions are either a Community orchard or a butterfly sanctuary.
  2.       For the Community orchard, a new fence would be built along edge of plots 45/4 to theEither a solid or open fence with access via a new gate at footpath by entrance.  The bramble will be cleared to create grass and fruit trees planted.  It would be open to the public as a community garden but maintained by us.  The set up costs would be covered by the town council grant.  As a benefit, it would strengthen position against development.
  3.        Wildlife Sanctuary would entail a pond boarder meadow which could attract 16 of the 36 species of butterfly in Warwickshire, bumble bees andA plaque could be installed to show what is there.
  4.       General debate about the proposals including letting local residents and local schools know. A butterfly count can be made and a book left in the hut for recording sightings.
  5.       A vote on the proposals had the wildlife sanctuary optionSpecific proposals are to be posted.

10 Recycling bunkers

  1.        Bunkers were installed using Council Grant money to allow members to dispose of material. No objections were raised at the last AGM.
  2.       There has been a reaction against the disposal of asbestosThis is a non-notifiable substance.  Environmental health officer advice has been sought.  There are objections.
  3.        There is a significant amount of asbestos cement onIt cost £700 to remove asbestos last year.
  4.       A licenced asbestos contractor would pick up debris.
  5.       A meeting with the Environmental Health officer is needed.
  6.        A danger that dumping may be made by non-allotment holders.
  7.        Objection to storage bunkers by Jane Hawkins and Russ Mosley.
  8.       Environmental Health officer Mr Sharder to be emailed.
  9.         Scrap metal to be collected by contractors.
  10.        Question about why it is not individual’s responsibility to clear their own rubbish.
  11.        Robin says we must work harder to make the plots easier to use.

11 Presentations

  1.        John ShuttleworthJohn Carrier cannot be here so will get it at next event.
  2.       This year’s competition, the Heaviest SummerPlot grown, varieties listed.  Either grown from seed or purchased.  Judging on 7th September with the root on.  Root will be cut off before weighing. The Heaviest will be the winner.  Rules will be on website.

12 AOB

  1.        Dennis proposed that the committee stay the same as last year.

13 Close of meeting

  1.         Meeting closed at 12.27